
Check Jazz remaining MBs | Jazz remaining MBs check code

If you are a user of jazz Do you want to check the remaining internet MBs on your Jazz 3G/4G internet packages? Then this article will help you in this regard. In this article, you will know a simple method to check the remaining internet MBs on jazz data packages. You know how to check Jazz remaining MBs in internet packages and its code. Jazz remaining MBs check code is also discussed in this article.

The method is very easy and written for those jazz customers who want to know that how many internet MBs are remaining on their Jazz internet package. Jazz remaining internet check code is discussed below. A simple method is available to provide them.

The best thing about the offer is that, if you have a Jazz Sim or a Warid Sim, you can check the remaining internet data on both of them by using this code because jazz and Warid are merged into each other.

So, without wasting any time, we see what the Jazz 3G/4G internet packages are and how we can check the remaining internet on the jazz Warid network.

How to Check Remaining MBs for Jazz 3G/4G Internet Packages?

It is easy to check the remaining Jazz 3G/4G internet MBs through your account. You have only added *2# at the end of the subscription code of your subscribed package. How to Check jazz remaining MBs?


If you are using a weekly jazz internet package whose subscription code is *117*3#. Then you can check the remaining MBs of the weekly internet package by adding *2# at the end of its subscription code. This will become *117*3*2#.

The actual subscription code of this package was: *117*3#.

If you are using Jazz monthly premium internet package whose subscription code is *117*30#, then you can know the remaining internet MBs by dialling the code *117*30*2#. In this package, *117*30# is the code for a monthly premium package given by the jazz network.

How can check Jazz remaining MBs on jazz sim card?

However, Checking the remaining internet MBs on your Jazz sim card is very easy. You can check the remaining internet MBs of the weekly internet package by dialling *2#. For the Jazz premium internet package, you can check the remaining internet data by dialling *117*30*2#.

How to Unsubscribe Jazz Champion Package

How to check remaining jazz MBs in jazz Weekly Mega Offer?

Jazz offers a very simple method to check the remaining internet and its validity by dialling *159*2#. so Customers should note that the offer is non-recursive. It means that the offer will not update automatically. You will have to dial the code *159# to activate the offer more than once. This Internet offer can be subscribed to and consumed in only a 2G/3G/LTE network.

How can check remaining MBs of Warid network?

For Warid customers, it is a good thing that they can check the MBs of Warid Mobile connection by dialling USSD code *100#.


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