Instead of making your callers listen to the conventional ring tone, you can make your caller listen to your chosen Jazz tune. Then your friends and family hear your favourite tunes every time when they call you. In this article, I will provide you with all the details about the Jazz caller tunes. You will know how to subscribe unsubscribe Jazz caller tune? How to unsubscribe Jazz Mobitune? and how to unsubscribe Jazz smart tune? Please read the article completely.
You can subscribe to the dial tunes offers to play a Tune, Song, Hamd-o-Naat or a movie dialogue of his own choice for a person who called you. When a caller calls us, he listens to our favourite tunes that we have chosen. Through these tunes, we express our feelings to our relatives or lovers. Every telecom company offers variations and features to subscribe to Mobitunes.
Table of Contents
How to Unsubscribe Jazz Smart Tune
Jazz Mobitunes service is useful. Through this, you express their feelings. Therefore, some people want to activate these tunes. But they don’t know the method that how to subscribe to Jazz Mobitunes? On the other hand, some people want to deactivate it because of its daily charges or any other reason. But they don’t know how to unsubscribe Jazz smart tune? So, I will tell you how to subscribe to unsubscribe Jazz tune?
How to Subscribe Jazz Caller Tune
If you want to subscribe Jazz Mobitunes then follow the method given below. Jazz caller tune subscribes code is 230. You can subscribe to Jazz tunes by SMS and Call.
- Type SMS “SUB” and send it to 230.
- Or Dial 230.
Jazz MobiTunes Charges
Keep in mind that postpaid and prepaid Mobitune charges are different.
Subscription Charges | Rs. 2.01 per day. |
IVR Charges | Rs. 2.84 per minute by dialling 230. |
SMS Charges (content download) | Rs. 7.99+tax. |
How to unsubscribe jazz tune

There is a question that how to unsubscribe Jazz smart tune? If you want to Unsubscribe Jazz tune then follow the given steps.
- Just type UNSUB in text and send this message to 230.
- Or just Dial 230.
Terms and conditions of Jazz Mobitune
- This service is not applicable for Champions package subscribers.
- Prepaid- For AJK / FATA / Gilgit Baltistan / Islamabad and Balouchistan regions. Please visit here for prepaid tariff details of this service.
- Withholding Tax of 12.5% applies on recharge.
- 19.5% FED applies for usage in Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and KPK.
- 2.14% high prices will be charged in Federal Territory, FATA, AJK and Gilgit Baltistan.
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Dear Guys! after reading this article, you can gain all the latest details that how to unsubscribe Jazz Mobitune? I have mentioned all of the necessary things that relate to this feature. If I have missed something then just update or inform me by your comments and tell me how you found this article.
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